The initiative of the 4 fonders who are Pro Natura Swiss, Pro Natura section Jura, the Naturaliste Francs-Montagnard and the municipality of Saignelègier created the foundation “Cerlatez” in 1992.
In that same year, the foundation of “Cerlatez”, who is situated at 3 km from Saignelègier, was bought by the municipality of Saignelègier. The foundation develops its activities in a matter of information, research and the protection of the wetlands and more in particularly of the peat bogs.
The nature center opened in 1933, it marks the start of it’s work in enviromental education. This structure also plays the role as the natural reserve house of the “Etang de la Gruère” who is a 100 meters from “Cerlatez”.
The members of the concil foundation gather 2 to 3 times a year, in order to fixe themselves the objectives and the budgets for the functionning of the nature center, as well as defining the educational strategies.
Members of the Foundation Council:
- M. Claude Schaffter, Président, Coopté
- Mme Monika Kormeyer, Conseillère communale, Déléguée de la commune de Saignelégier
- M. Christophe Gagnebin, Conseiller communal, Délégué de la commune de Tramelan
- M. Laurent Gogniat, Délégué de l’Office de l’Environnement (ENV) de la République et Canton du Jura
- M.Daniel Chaignat , Délégué de l’Association des Naturalistes franc-montagnards